
Our team is here to support you with theory and practical PT outlines, well prepare you to for any exam, and become a PERSONAL TRAINER. Our Sport Science experts will stand beside you to teach and guide in all titles such as Anatomy, Physiology, Bio-Mechanic, Assessment Protocols, Program Design and Periodization, Safety and Risk Management etc. Becoming a personal trainer can be the career change you are looking for. Check out the top reasons why you should turn your passion for fitness into a career based on ACE:


Make a Difference

Help eradicate the obesity epidemic and make your community healthier



Work with a diverse group of people with different goals and needs.


Job Satisfaction

See tangible results of your work when clients achieve life-changing health and fitness goals.



Create your own schedule and work on your own terms, while specializing in areas you are most passionate aboutr



Becoming a personal trainer makes you part of a supportive group of positive, like-minded individuals.


Job Security

Develop essential skills in a profession projected to be one of the fastest growing careers in the next 20 years. .


Salary Potential

Full-time personal trainers make an average of $$$$ per year nationwide with 52% of professionals reporting that advanced certifications allow them to earn more.

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